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A church or a clinic … Ekklesia

By March 31, 2024Blog

Is Healing Grove a church or a clinic?

Neither & both! Healing Grove is an Ekklesia. When Jesus launched his 24/7 kingdom movement, you chose not to give it a name typically attached with a brick and motar house of worship (using the greek word for a synagogue or temple). Instead he chose to use the word “Ekklesia“, a non-religous word that is used to describe “an assembly of the people convened at the public place of the council for the purpose of deliberating”. Read on in Dr. Ed Silvoso’s book called “Ekklesia“. Healing Grove was built from the ground up to be an Ekklesia!

Non-profits are typically agencies that provide services and referrals to their clients. The word “client” comes from the latin for vassal. And that’s exactly what a needs based social service agency does — it builds dependency instead of dignity.

To contrast, Healing Grove is an Ekklesia that provides transformation to the blesseds using the Good News of Jesus’ grace and mercy to eliminate systemic poverty. The “blesseds” come from Luke 6: “Blessed are you who are poor, for yours is the kingdom of God.” Instead of creating dependency, the Good News gives each person the dignity that comes from being made in the image of God. By helping people see the dignity they’ve already been granted, the Healing Grove Ekklesia empowers people towards God’s best.

Watch this video and hear from one of our community members who was a part of the construction team.


Ever wondered what’s behind the walls?

Before moving into Healing Grove, our team gratified the walls with prayers and verses!